Let’s keep the speedo flying! Thank you & merry X-MAS.

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Thank you very much for a fantastic anniversary year with great feedback on our Schall fairs. Highly motivated, we are now keeping the speedometer flying, because after the anniversary is before the next trade fair year! And that’s something to look forward to.
In the spring we’ll be taking off with the world’s leading trade fair for quality assurance for its 35th session: Let’s take the next level, with Control! Also on board in 2023 are Motek/Bondexpo with the “Arena of Integration”, Blechexpo/Schweisstec with its top-class “best Award” innovation prize and Fakuma with the latest and most important solutions for a functioning circular economy in the plastics processing industry.
Experience the know-how of technological change in 2023, too, in person. Always have the know-where in view! Our trade fairs take place where the specialised technologies are at home. And very important: Know-when! Just check the Schall trade fair calendar.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year.